The Boat
"A quality flats skiff is an essential part of any serious flats angler and there is none better than the Hewes."
Day in and day out I am expected to put my clients on fish regardless of weather conditions or skill level and my 16’ Hewes is the perfect platform for me. With wide gunnels, large livewells, cavernous storage and a soft, dry stable ride, this is the skiff of choice for fishing the productive but challenging waters of Biscayne Bay. Drafting 10”, I can pole into water shallow enough to cast at tailing bonefish yet have the speed and comfort to make long runs to ocean side tarpon flats. Climb aboard my Hewes and I am confident you will be comfortable all day long.
Call Capt. Mo today and enjoy the dry stable ride of his 16’ Hewes as we chase challenging game fish on the flats or catch dinner in the deeper channels